Thank you for considering giving financially to the work of the CPS Network. All of our events are freely open to all, so we rely on the generous donations of our members and supporters; would you consider partnering with us as we seek to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Warwick Campus?

One-off Donations

You can donate to the CPS Network by bank transfer using the details below.

  • Account name: Christian Postgraduate and Staff Network
  • Bank Name: Barclays PLC
  • Account number: 23597830
  • Sort code: 20-57-44

Membership Fees

For those who are members of the CPS Network, the membership fees are due on the 30th June and are set at the following amounts for the coming year.

  • Staff Member: £50/year
  • Postgraduate Student: £25/year

Please use the bank details above and for the reference use your first name initial plus surname. If you have any issues please contact us at

Thank you for supporting the CPS Network. We would love to keep you informed of news and prayer requests in the coming months. If you would like to receive our prayer newsletter please sign up by emailing us at